
Is there any way to avoid common puppy health problems?

Alimente a su cachorro de la derecha para evitar problemas comunes de salud cachorro

Una de las peores cosas que alguien puede hacer es traer a casa un nuevo cachorro pequeño y cambiar su alimentación. Desafortunadamente, muchas personas hacer eso, especialmente si el cachorro está comiendo una marca inferior de croquetas. Con su cuerpo pequeño, cualquier cambio en la dieta es simplemente demasiado para el cachorro de manejar, lo que conduce a uno de los más comunes los problemas de salud cachorro - diarrea.

Si su cachorro se mete en los alimentos que pertenecen a su perro o su gato adulto o se apodera de algunos alimentos de personas, él o ella probablemente desarrollarán diarrea. Esta condición puede ser muy grave, ya que es fácil para un animal tan pequeño a deshidratarse. Contacte a su veterinario inmediatamente si su perrito tiene heces sueltas. Si usted no puede conseguir un asimiento de su veterinario, usted debe:

  • Echa un vistazo a las heces. Si hay sangre en él, lleve a su cachorro a un hospital de emergencia veterinaria. Si esperamos que la oficina del veterinario para reabrir, está tomando la posibilidad de que su perrito no puede hacer.

  • Mantenga a su cachorro hidratado. Si bien un poco de agua es una buena idea, usted debe considerar algo que tiene algunos beneficios nutricionales, así como los electrolitos o caldo de pollo.

  • Alimentar a una dieta muy blanda de caldo y el arroz hasta que se estabilice el cachorro. Usted debe reintroducir los alimentos poco a poco para evitar que el cachorro sufrir una recaída.

Evite los problemas comunes de salud cachorro con la medicina preventiva

La gente de línea hasta conseguir vacunas contra la gripe todos los años para evitar que se enfermen. Usted puede evitar problemas comunes de salud cachorro con la medicina preventiva, también. Para asegurarse de que su cachorro no se enferma por un virus que se puede prevenir fácilmente, usted debe:

  • Pídale al criador acerca de los registros de vacunación antes de comprar el cachorro. Asegúrese de que el cachorro recibido por lo menos el primer disparo DHLPP en la serie. (Un disparo DHLPP es una inyección combinada que protege contra el moquillo, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza y parvovirus).

  • Tome el cachorro directamente a la oficina del veterinario para un chequeo cachorro y así establecer un calendario de vacunación. Su veterinario debe darle a su cachorro una serie de fotos sobre DHLPP las próximas semanas, un disparo un tiro y Bordetella Rabia.

  • Asegúrese de no perderse ninguna de las visitas a las citas le disparó a su cachorro. Mientras que los costos se suman, son mucho más pequeño que el costo del tratamiento de un cachorro enfermo y el dinero gastado es el menor de la angustia que puedes afrontar. Un cachorro con moquillo o parvo menudo no se recupera y el personal veterinario a menudo tan devastado como a los propietarios cuando su lucha para salvar al cachorro termina en una trágica pérdida de vidas.

Cachorro Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do before bringing a new puppy into my home?

Are there any tips for bringing home a new puppy?

Are children and puppies a good idea?

What is the cost of caring for a puppy?

Should I feel bad about looking for a dog with the right features when dogs are a lifetime commitment?

Is there any way to make getting ready for a new puppy a bit more fun?

How do I find out if my family is ready for a puppy?

Is there any way to avoid common puppy health problems?

Should I be concerned about deworming puppies?

Is heartworm prevention necessary?

Is there any way to stop Lyme with puppy disease prevention?

Are there signs of common puppy health problems I should be aware of?

What should I know about common puppy health problems that are hereditary?

How much does it cost to ship a puppy by air?

How are puppies shipped?

Are there any tips on how to ship a puppy?

What can I do to avoid problems when shipping a puppy?

Are there any options for shipping puppies when the breeder can't do it?

Are there any tips I should know about transporting puppies by air?

Is transporting puppies by ground a good option?

Is buying a puppy online a good idea?

Where can I look to find puppies online?

Is it hard to learn how to buy a puppy online?

Can I find local puppies for sale online?

Where can I find a designer breed puppy for sale?

Is there any puppy advice for online shoppers?

How do I pay for puppies online?

What should I look for when buying a crate for my new puppy?

Are there any tips for caring for a puppy?

Are there any tips for dog grooming?

Are there any tips for choosing the right puppy food?

What should I know about puppy obedience training?

Are there any tips for choosing safe puppy toys?

Why do I need puppy training classes?

I found Akita puppies for sale, but are they right for me?

Are there any special things to look for when I shop for Boxer puppies for sale?

Are there any tips for shipping Chinese Shar-Pei puppies for sale?

Are there any things I should think about as I look for Doberman Pinscher puppies for sale?

Is there anything I should look for in German Shepherd puppies for sale besides a good temperament.

Is there anything I should think about before I shop for Golden Retriever puppies for sale?

Are there any things I should know before I look at Great Dane puppies for sale?

Is there anything I should know before looking at Australian Shepherd puppies for sale?

Is there anything I should know before I start hunting for Basset Hound puppies for sale?

Is there anything I should know about Beagle puppies for sale?

Is there anything I should be concerned about as I look for Boston Terrier puppies for sale?

Are there any things I should consider before I take a look at Brittany puppies for sale?

Why do breeders have Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies for sale and Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale?

Is there a problem with shipping English Bulldog puppies for sale?

Is it okay to buy puppies that aren't registered with an American puppy registry?

What does it mean when dog registries offer limited registration?

Why do we need pet registries?

What is the AKC puppy registry?

Is a puppy registered by the CKC puppy registry a good idea?

Is the ACA puppy registry any good?

Is there more than one CKC puppy registry?

Are breeders who have several dog breeds a bad idea?

Why doesn't my breeder have any adult dogs?

Are experienced dog breeders better than new breeders?

How do I go about finding a reputable breeder?

What are some questions to ask dog breeders?

Are there some questions to ask when buying a puppy?

Can you tell me what questions to ask a dog breeder to get a show quality dog?

Are there any tips for avoiding puppy mills?

Is it a bad idea to visit a big dog breeding operation to see a lot of different types of dogs?

Do I need to worry about online dog breeder scams?

How do I avoid online puppy breeder scams?

Should puppy buyer beware be my motto as I shop for a puppy?

Should I verify breeder contact information?

Should I report suspected dog breeding scams?

Do I need to worry about getting new puppy checkups right away?

Are puppy vaccinations necessary for indoor dogs?

Do I need to seek immediate veterinary care for puppies?

Is there anything I should do to before I need veterinary care for puppies?

Are there any tips for pricing puppy checkups?

Are six month puppy checkups really necessary?

Are puppy checkups normally really fast?

Are distemper shots really necessary?

Is the parvo vaccine really necessary?

How can I prepare for my puppy's first shots?

Why do I have to follow a puppy shot schedule instead of just getting a few shots all at once?

What are the different puppy vaccines?

Why does everyone make such a big deal about Rabies shots?

What shots do puppies need if they are going overseas?

Can I find Bichon Frise puppies for sale locally online?

Is there anything I should know before shopping for Cairn Terrier puppies for sale?

Should I research anything about Chihuahua puppies for sale?

Is there anything special I should know before I search for Dachshund puppies for sale?

Is there anything I should do before buying Havanese puppies for sale?

Is there anything I should know about the breed before I search for Lhasa Apso puppies for sale?

Are there any problems to look for in Pomeranian puppies for sale?

Are there any problems I should know about before I look at Pug puppies for sale?

Can I search for puppies online near me?

How can I convince my family that it is a good idea to buy a puppy online?

What are some benefits of buying a puppy online?

How can I be safe when I buy a puppy online?

Can I find good bloodlines when I buy puppies online?

Do breeders sell dogs online to get more money?

Is there a way to read reviews of puppies for sale online?

Are there questions I should ask when you buy a puppy online?

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